Tips to save when buying auto insurance

  1. Compare prices and services. Prices for the same coverage can vary greatly from one company to another. Ask for at least three quotes (for the same product) from three different sources; either insurance agents or brokers, directly from the insurance company or through the Internet. It is possible that the Insurance Department of the state where you live, have guidelines (guidelines) of how much they charge insurers for the different types of auto insurance policies.
  2. Some insurance companies have their own agencies, and may also offer their policies through authorized agents or brokers who handle insurance simultaneously several insurance companies. Other companies sell their products or policies directly to consumers through Internet service or phone.

  3. Ask for contributions to various types of insurance companies. The insurance company you choose should not only offer good prices but also excellent service. Sometimes, better service could cost a bit more expensive. Compare also service the different agents to contact and ask what they can offer to reduce costs.
  4. Do not buy based only on price, ask for referrals from your friends and family about insurance companies that have given good service and good prices. The Insurance Department in your state can tell if the company you consider doing business has received complaints and in what proportion, compared to the number of policies sold.

  5. Find out the financial ratings of the companies that interest you through some of the independent rating agencies such as AM Best or Standard and Poors, magazines and even consulting or consumer finance. Select an agent or company whose representative will take the time to answer your questions, since it is the company with which you have to deal at the time that presents an emergency or an accident.

  6. Before buying your car, compare insurance costs. Be sure to find out how much it will cost to ensure that order. Part of the cost of insurance premiums will be affected as a result of the type of car, the purchase price, the cost of repair, their safety performance together and the chances of theft. Many insurance companies offer additional discounts to drivers who install security measures or whose cars have elements that come from the factory; for example, whether or not they airbags, use lights during the day (daytime running lights), use devices that prevent or make more difficult the theft, have anti-lock brakes and safety (anti-lock brakes), etc.
  7. Some states require particular insurance or insurance company to give additional discounts to their customers by installing additional security measures in your car. You can check the website of the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety).

  8. Increase the deductible. Deductibles represent the amount of money you must pay before making an insurance claim. The higher the deductible, the cheaper the insurance. For example, if you increase your deductible from $ 200 to $ 500, will reduce the annual cost of insurance from 15% to 30%. A thousand dollar deductible can save up to 40% on your insurance premium.
  9. Reduce shock and coverage against other risks in older cars. Consider abandon or reduce coverage of various risks and shock in old cars. It may not be advantageous to pay a policy to insure a vehicle that is worth ten times less than what replenishes the insurance. Any benefits of coverage you receive will not cover the money you have paid in premiums and deductible. An incident occurs on average once in eleven or twelve. A car dealer or financier can tell you the value of your car. You can also see the estimated value of your car on the site of Kelley Blue Book. Remember also to check at least once a year their needs and amount of insurance coverage.
  10. Buy your auto insurance from the same company that ensures the house and ask package discounts. It could also receive a discount if you have multiple vehicles under one policy and some companies recognize the loyalty giving discounts to their older clients. Compare prices, you can often find better deals without tying all cars on one policy.
  11. Take advantage of low mileage discounts Some drivers who drive few miles per year, lower than the annual standard, can receive additional discounts.; insurers can also offer discounts to those who agree with others to drive to work, what is known in English as carpool.
  12. Ask for group insurance. You may receive additional discounts if you receive insurance through your employer, as part of their union work or through group association as alumni of a university or similar organizations. Ask your employer or the groups to which they belong.
  13. Keep a good credit history. Your credit history can affect the price of insurance policies you pay. While the use of credit history varies according to state laws and policies from one company to another, it is an assessment tool that allows the insurance qualifies candidates to secure a uniform and objective manner. In fact, drivers with established credit histories for a long time, have fewer accidents than those with little credit history. You can use Internet services for information on how to learn and improve your credit history.
  14. Ask for discounts for responsible drivers. Many insurers give discounts to drivers who have had accidents or traffic violations (speeding tickets, for example) for several years. You may also qualify for certain discounts if you have recently taken a driving course.

Also, ask about other discounts

For example you could receive additional discounts if you are over 50 years if you are over 55 and is removed if young drivers in your household has good grades in school, they take courses in defensive driving or are in the college more than 100 miles away from home.

So when you go looking for auto insurance, ask for the following discounts and compare between several offers. Remember, these are not always available in all states or all insurers:

  • A deductible of $ 500 compared with one of $ 1,000.
  • Policies for more than a car.
  • He has had no accidents in the last 3 years.
  • He has had no moving violations in the last three years.
  • Drivers over 50 years or between 50 and 55 years.
  • Drivers who have taken driver training courses.
  • Drivers who have taken courses to drive defensively.
  • Discount implementation of antitheft elements.
  • Few miles traveled per year.
  • Cars with air bags.
  • Cars with anti-lock brakes (anti-lock brakes).
  • Cars with lights on during the day.
  • Drivers students who have good grades in school.
  • Auto and property coverage (housing) with the same company.
  • University students who live away from home.
  • Customers with a history of many years old.
  • Additional discounts.
