Does insurance cover household objects of high value?

Sometimes we stop to review the terms of our policy and the home when it's too late. Imagine that you have at home and have stolen items such as jewelry, collectibles and works of art that criminals have taken. Does insurance cover household objects of high value? From this very purpose I discussed in this article.

There are certain basic household that cover only against certain accidents such as fires, others extend a little more their coverage and cover the continent from home and also the content of a standard form, ie, the company provides a certain amount of money in the contract in case the incidents reflected in the policy to cover household contents occur. However, these features must be specified when performing the contract.

This to us is to say that if finally our intention is to protect the assets we own, the recommended option is to explicitly declare when perform the contract. At this point, an important fact is pointing to Overinsurance and underinsurance , aspects of which I spoke in a previous article and in short we come to say that when it comes to securing our goods, we must be as accurate as possible not to suffer losses of money on the value thereof, or other more complicated situations as our company refuses to pay if we exaggerated the value of goods.

Have you already reviewed your policy? Does it cover high value items that have in your home? If not, you can call your insurance company to expand existing coverage of your insurance or to compare different alternatives you can find in the market, for which we invite you to use our comparator home insurance , which you will find more better options, fully updated, in just a couple of seconds.
